Agile Excellerate


Agile Exceller­ate is a com­plex assess­ment tool, based on a ques­tion­naire, that pro­vides a very deep view of the intan­gi­ble aspects of Agile mind­set, the ones that are mak­ing or break­ing a team. Its pur­pose is to eval­u­ate team mem­bers’ under­stand­ing of Agile prin­ci­ples, their val­ues and adher­ence to good prac­tices. It also high­lights poten­tial issues relat­ed to trust, team cohe­sion, com­mit­ment, con­struc­tive con­flicts and account­abil­i­ty. It is based on sev­er­al the­o­ries relat­ed to self-orga­ni­za­­­tion (Con­­tain­er-Dif­fer­­ence-Exchange the­o­ry by Glen­da Eoyang — Human Sys­tems Dynam­ics Insti­tute), team build­ing (Five dys­func­tions of a team by Patrick Lencioni) and trust (Speed of trust by Stephen Covey).

How does it work

Each team mem­ber is answer­ing to 80 ques­tions that assess his/her opin­ions and per­cep­tions about var­i­ous aspects of the team agili­ty. The answers are com­plete­ly anony­mous — none of the team mem­bers or any­body else is able to see indi­vid­ual answers of any par­tic­i­pant. Ques­tions are grouped in 8 analy­sis dimen­sions, cov­er­ing the most impor­tant aspects of the Agile practice:

  • Respect and Communication
  • Col­lab­o­ra­tive Improvement
  • Sus­tain­able Delivery
  • Dis­ci­plined Self-Organization
  • Pre­dictable Quality
  • Empow­ered Courage
  • Focused Com­mit­ment
  • Trans­paren­cy and Visibility

How does it deliver

Results are con­sol­i­dat­ed and ana­lyzed by the tool author. The cur­rent ver­sion of Agile Exceller­ate does not fea­ture auto­mat­ic report­ing, yet. After analy­sis, the fol­low­ing reports are provided:

  • Radar chart of team agili­ty based on all analy­sis dimensions
  • Results on each dimen­sion empha­siz­ing crit­i­cal aspects (low scor­ing or abnor­mal dis­tri­b­u­tion of answers)
  • Cor­re­la­tion map (how var­i­ous answers cor­re­late or not)
  • Con­tain­er — Dif­fer­ence — Exchange score
  • Scor­ing of poten­tial team dysfunctions
  • Trust analy­sis: integri­ty, intent, capa­bil­i­ties and results

How does it help

Agile Exceller­ate sup­ports team evo­lu­tion toward high per­for­mance by offer­ing to its mem­bers a bet­ter under­stand­ing of their cur­rent Agile prac­tice, help­ing them to iden­ti­fy where are the weak­ness­es they should address and what was the progress since the last self eval­u­a­tion. More exact­ly it pro­vides the fol­low­ing services:

  • A real­is­tic met­rics about teams’ Agile mindset
  • An eval­u­a­tion of teams’ progress toward Agile val­ues, prin­ci­ples and good practices
  • A tan­gi­ble guide for lead­ers about most prob­a­ble caus­es for troubles
  • An action­able plan for the team self-improvement
  • A com­pa­ny-wide rat­ing method of Agile excellence
  • A tool to assess the propen­si­ty toward Agile of new teams

Agile Exceller­ate is avail­able for free for one team, on request. The reports pro­vid­ed are just the radar chart of team agili­ty based on all analy­sis dimen­sions and the results on each dimen­sion empha­siz­ing crit­i­cal aspects (low scor­ing or abnor­mal dis­tri­b­u­tion of answers). Should you be inter­est­ed in assess­ing the tool, please con­tact us. You can see here some exam­ples of the sim­pli­fied reports pro­vid­ed with the free version.

The full ver­sion of Agile Exceller­ate is avail­able only for pay­ing cus­tomers. The price varies depend­ing on the num­ber of teams that will be using the tool. For more details, please con­tact us.