Personal Data Request

If you placed com­ments on this blog, you have the right to request the dis­pos­al of your per­son­al data. If you need details about your per­son­al data on the blog, you may request a per­son­al data export which will be sent to an email address that you specify.

In both cas­es this is the procedure:

  • Fill in the below form to send the request. Pay atten­tion to the email address because this is how we iden­ti­fy your per­son­al data on the blog. If you used sev­er­al email address­es when com­ment­ing on the blog, you will need to send us a sep­a­rate request for each of them..
  • A con­fir­ma­tion mes­sage will be sent to the email address you have spec­i­fied in the request form. Thus we pre­vent oth­er per­sons to access your per­son­al data.
  • After your con­fir­ma­tion, the blog admin­is­tra­tor is noti­fied by your request.
  • The admin­is­tra­tor checks the request (to avoid any pos­si­ble errors) and approves it. Please allow for a max­i­mum 10 days delay for this approval.
  • If you request­ed a per­son­al data export, this is sent through email (same address used for con­fir­ma­tion) as a link that allows you to down­load your per­son­al data.
  • If you request­ed the dis­pos­al of your per­son­al data, the admin­is­tra­tor will anonymize your com­ments by replac­ing your name with “Anony­mous” (the email address will be deleted).

Pri­va­cy policy

Request for personal data disposal

Select your request: